Koichi Takada x Jardan – Sustainability Series Launch
We recently came together with our friends at Koichi Takada Architects to launch the first in a series of conversations around sustainability.

We at Jardan, have been carbon neutral for over nine years and have always had sustainability at the core of all we do. Koichi Takada Architects have a similar focus, as they aim to reduce carbon emissions at the design stage.
"I really do think that we have to start sharing knowledge, exchanging ideas and do this together." Koichi Takada

The series that is created by Koichi Takada’s team aims to bring awareness and education around sustainability and leverages brands and industry leaders who are championing but still learning from their sustainability journeys to come together to share ideas and processes that will benefit their community and peers.
“We really think it’s about taking it upon yourself to make these changes. You can’t wait for the government or anyone else to do it. We love the opportunity to lead and to show that we’re Australian made, designed and manufactured.” Nick Garnham

Guests gathered in our Sydney showroom to hear Director of Koichi Takada Architects, Koichi Takada and our Managing Director, Nick Garnham share their knowledge on climate change, being carbon neutral and how working together is key to building the way forward to a more sustainable future.
“We came to the realisation that to be leaders in sustainability first of all it is in the thinking process, so we re-grouped as a practice and said “How can we make a positive contribution?” Koichi Takada